make_chem happen
f_OXYDE´s guiding principle can be understood as a focus on being a link between ideas, requirements and project finishing capabilities in chemical sciences and chemical´s regulatory frameworks.
On the other hand “Make’em happen“ shall convey the idea of a mandatory, close co-operation with our clients, customers and future licensees. We only can make projects happen most effectively if our principals are prepared to take their responsibility in project progress and success.
Contact – location
Wiener Straße 44
2340 Mödling
(“Wienerwald district”)
Commercial register Wr. Neustadt
FN:: 363953 a
T: +43 720 506015
f_OXYDE Operations
Historic / medieval city centre
2340 Moedling / Austria
Liability for Content
We make every effort to keep the information on our website current, but accept no liability for the content provided.
Our site contains links to third-party websites. We have no influence on the information on these Web sites and accept no guaranty for its correctness. The content of such third-party sites is the responsibility of the respective owners / providers.
At the time third-party websites were linked to our site, we found no grounds whatsoever of any likely contravention of the law. We shall promptly delete a link upon becoming aware that it violates the law.
The content and works provided on these web pages are governed by the copyright laws of Austria. Duplication, processing, distribution, or any form of commercialisation of such material beyond the scope of the copyright law shall require the prior written consent of its respective author or creator.
f_OXYDE GmbH, 2014
(c/n VELOX)
Managing partner, senior project manager.
Alexandra Kedzierski (b. 1972) has a Master degree from the University of Vienna in Geochemistry.
Before attending University studies Alexandra has worked as a hotel management assistant for several years, something that now pays off in terms of organisational and management capabilities.
In 2004, Alexandra joined Christian’s research & development department as project execution manager. She has operationally lead the whole department and co-developed many key technologies.
Alexandra has one daughter (born in 2000), collects Chupa Chups gadgets and loves gardening …
Research and Licensing
f_OXYDE – The hidden files
One of f_OXYDE´s key fields of business is and will continue to be fundamental research into industrial chemicals, quantitative analytical devices and energy supply.
Having a long-lasting research & development and intellectual property background in chemistry f_OXYDE will have a primary focus on research topics it knows best:
Oxidation chemistry and electrochemical processes.
However, being a completely open-minded technology company, f_OXYDE´s future research activities might no longer be limited to the well-known.
New technologies will be introduced to interested partners shortly after priority patent application and there are three basic licensing options:
Available licensing: “C4D”
Currently primary research projects: “OOPS” and “AG-DC”
Years ago, when Christian developed the first incarnation of an offline analytical instrument for quantitative colour detection of manganese species for his former employer, the marketing department gave it the rather humble trade-name “TM CHECKBOX“. At the same time Alexandra discovered the recently launched MagNICI foxes (© NICI GmbH, DE-96264 Altenkunstadt) in a toy store and purchased one of them. Alexandra and Christian decided to add one of these foxes to each “CHECKBOX“ before delivery to customers. The “CHECKFOX“ was born.
The CHECKFOXES became famous, and many customers wanted even more than one, as giveaways, for their fridge, for their kids …
The CHECKFOX made it even to the BPD 98/8/EC Sodium Peroxodisulfate Active Substance dossier (seriously), submitted to the RMS Portugal in 2007, in form of a suitable test species for a higher tier tox study:
The claim “We do Checkfoxidation“ was introduced into all of the R&D communication, emphasising the focus in oxidation chemistry.
This claim has been carried over to f_OXYDE, and the fox, being an extremely smart, competitive and pretty animal remains there to support f_OXYDE´s (self-) perception.
(c/n FENNEC)
Managing partner, senior scientist.
Christian Thonhauser (b. 1967) has a Master degree from the University of Vienna in Mineralogy and Crystallography.
He is specialised in hydrochemistry and inorganic redox-chemistry of aqueous systems and he has worked as an assistant professor at the Institute for Water Quality of the Vienna University of Technology, before becoming a consulting contractor for hydrochemistry.
In 2001 he joined a medium – sized chemical industry organization as director of research and development, intellectual property and regulatory affairs. Christian has invented and developed many key technologies.
Christian is still associated with the Institute for Environmental Geosciences of the University of Vienna, working there as a lecturer for hydrochemistry.
Christian has one daughter (born 2004), is a passionate amateur photographer and enjoys spending his spare time sailing …

(c/n MagNICI)
Project execution marketing,
public relations, regulatory support
Nicole Heilmann (b. 1980) graduated from Business College in Baden, Austria in 1999.
Before joining f_OXYDE she was in charge of customer relationship in a major food retail chain, was an event manager with Casinos Austria and finally headed the logistics department in a medium-sized chemical industry organisation.
Nicole loves her currently six cats, horse-riding and most technical stuff (she is even able to reconstruct an off-road vehicle rear suspension …).
Project Management
Contract research, somewhat different.
f_OXYDE is willing to share its long-lasting research and development experience in industrial chemistry / analytical devices and will be able to assist companies in collecting / expanding ideas and in reaching desired research and development goals. Naturally, intellectual property rights will be with the assigning client.
There are no given limits, and our scientific input and ideas are included in project management, with one simple exception:
If f_OXYDE´s internal research interests or projects for other clients are affected, we have to and will carefully evaluate project management possibilities. However, positive scientific cross-talk will most likely occur and might result in advantages for all parties involved.
f_OXYDE runs a secure, custom-design scientific project management solution, something that has served our purposes in the past and will continue to do so.
Regulatory management
Regulatory framework
Although f_OXYDE is specialised in the authorisation of biocidal products (Europe-wide, national, company authorisations, US-EPA) we are happy to work with you on any regulatory project in conjunction with placing chemicals (both substances and formulations) on the market.
f_OXYDE acknowledges that biocides are substances or products that are intended to kill life and thereby will – at least to a certain extent – unavoidably have dangerous or adverse properties for man and the environment.
We appreciate the efforts of the European Union to regulate this area of use of chemicals and to ban unsafe or not efficacious products from the market. With most of f_OXYDE´s staff having children and knowing that they will have a life-expectation of 100+ years we see regulatory compliance not only from a business perspective but also as a matter of personal responsibility.
Coming from an industrial chemical background, to us it appears to be crucial to consider not only a particular product at the time of decision to authorise, but to keep in mind the original process that lead to the individual product and consequently to discuss and foresee possible future developments.
Consulting approach
We understand ourselves less as a direct competitor to typical consultant agencies, moreover, we assign them, where required.
Of course we are prepared to work on your regulatory project on an hourly basis as well, but we highly recommend to make use of a prime-contractor offer that simply makes your regulatory project ours. Keeping cost within the pre-defined frame is our responsibility and, of course, our economical risk.
In addition, due to our long-lasting occupation in the chemicals regulatory “arena“ we have a comprehensive overview regarding reliable contract laboratories and consultants and we might even be able to get more competitive offers from companies we have extensively worked with in the past. Over time, some of them have become more like friends than being just business partners …
Additional information:
f_OXYDE biocidal products regulatory whitepaper
If the European regulatory framework appears to be convoluted, you could try to perceive it from a different point of view (we do …):
For security reasons f_OXYDE runs MacIntosh computers exclusively.
We are convinced that both sensitive information from clients and our own research and intellectual property data deserve the highest (affordable) level of electronic security.
f_OXYDE does not store or archive any sort of paper copies of client information and own research data.